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The Secret of my Success

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How does your brain work? Mine may be normal or it may be funky...I’m not really certain. What I do know is that when I considered the question framed for us this week, “How do you define success?” my brain rocketed back to 1987. The Secret of My Success starring Michael J. Fox (aka Marty McFly) was released the month before I graduated high school. I don’t really remember much about the movie, but I distinctly remember the theme song by ‘80’s hair band Night Ranger.  The chorus went like this:

Worlds collide and hearts will be broken
Over and over it's the same every day-
How can I say what has never concerned me
The secret of my success is I'm living 25 hours a day

Honestly, I went back and listened to the song again for the first time in what had to be 25 years. It features that typical, late-80’s fusion of pop rock and synthesizers. And while the chorus was catchy (the only thing I remembered), the rest of it is completely forgettable.

What strikes me about the lyrics is just the message. It just boils down to this: there’s gonna be collateral damage, but I’m not concerned. I’ve just got to hustle to make it all happen.

Seems very modern. Seems very practical. And it seems like common sense...unless your life is rooted in Jesus.

As we continue wrestling with the Terrible Advice of Jesus, we see that the economy in the Kingdom of God turns the world’s advice on its head.  In Matthew 19:21,ff, Jesus tells the man we know as the rich young ruler, If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

We know the story...the young man goes away crestfallen because he was very wealthy.  Even Jesus’ disciples struggle to realize the truth when Peter asks Jesus: “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?”

Jesus replied, “I assure you that when the world is made new and the Son of Man sits upon his glorious throne...everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life. But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.”

Success in God’s economy boils down to this: give it away. Give away whatever it is that impedes your progress to being like Jesus. And it’s not about money. Using your time, talents, gifts and abilities while elevating others above yourself is the way of the cross. Unlearning the things that make sense to us all while embracing this prayer, “More like you, Jesus. Make me more and more like you!” That's how we succeed in the Kingdom.

The world might call it terrible advice, but the truth is that embracing this way of sacrifice and service will save your life.

The Great Physician failed anatomy class

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Of all the “terrible advice” of Jesus we have looked at this month – this has to be toward the top of the list.  For one who is supposedly the “great” physician, one would think He would at least know how the body works.  Evaluate this advice (Matthew 15:19-20):

“For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you.” 

In an age obsessed with weight, appearance, diet, and health, Jesus suggests something I have never heard from a doctor – worry more about your thoughts than what goes into your body.  That is just the beginning of why this advice is so terrible.  He also suggests our evil thoughts don’t begin in our minds but in our hearts!  Am I crazy to think that I think thoughts in my head? 

Jesus seems to have two strikes:

  • Aren’t we are supposed to be hyper-conscious of our bodies and what we consume?
  • Don’t our thoughts come from our minds?

These are obvious contradictions to our modern culture, values, and way of thinking.

Jesus challenges not only our culture, but he challenges us.  Do we believe what happens on the inside of us matters more than the outside?  Are evil, negative or sinful thoughts something I can just “stop thinking” in my mind?

Jesus is never content to let his followers stay comfortable.  He wants us to move toward Him and grow in holiness.  This is His goal, and His “terrible advice” is only terrible if one does not want to be like Him. 

Jesus may have failed anatomy 101, but he is correct on this.  Of course, we think thoughts in our heads, but the desires and impulses that drive us come from our hearts.  The good and evil, the wise and unwise – we are driven by the desires of our hearts and our minds simply follow suit.  If that is scary, join the club.  Where is your heart today?  What thoughts are flowing from it?  Whatever is happening inside of it does not scare the great physician.  He is the only physician who can successfully perform open heart surgery without an operating room or a scalpel. 

As we turn to Jesus and seek to follow His ways and His advice, we will need new hearts.  New hearts lead to new minds and new minds give us eyes to see His ways among a culture that is constantly screaming at us to do the opposite of what Jesus wants.

“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.”

Ezekiel 36:26

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