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Hurricane Harvey - Response to Help

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White River Christian Church is prayerfully considering the right and wise way to engage in the relief and recovery process for the devastation caused in Texas by Hurricane Harvey. We have heard from a number of people wanting to know how they can help.

There are three principal ways that you can help our brothers and sisters in South Texas and the entire region:

Pray earnestly for first responders, national guard, coast guard and all those actively rescuing those in harm's way. Pray for the churches in the area...pray that the leaders there are finding ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a region devastated by the storm and flooding.

Give. We know that there are numerous organizations willing to receive donations, but WRCC wants to recommend a ministry that we know and have already given to in regard to Hurricane Harvey. We trust they will get funding, personnel, and supplies where it’s needed most:

IDES: The International Disaster Emergency Service is located here in Noblesville and exists to to meet physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Helping people in times of disaster is why IDES exists, and they work with first responders, government agencies and other disaster relief agencies to provide relief in the wake of times like these. You can give directly to Hurricane Harvey relief at Under the Designation tab, select the word “Hurricane” from the drop down menu to designate your gift to this purpose.

Wait to go... If you are not a trained professional, it is best to wait to go. We are in the process of determining the appropriate way and connections to help. This does not mean that we aren’t going to take a trip... it just means we are figuring out the right way to do it. Sometimes the abundance of help can be overwhelming for places going through this type of devastation. We want to make sure our help is needed, appropriate and is the best possible blessing it can be to our friends in Texas.

When we have the ability and the right way of helping, we will let all of our WRCC family know how to help, what to bring and when we will send volunteers.

Posted by Jim Chamberlin with
